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Student Representatives

Ritenour Board of Education Student Representatives
The Ritenour Board of Education includes a non-voting student representative who serves in an advisory capacity to represent the interests of students in the Ritenour School District. The student advisor represents Ritenour High School peers by communicating student opinions to the Board of Education and reporting Board deliberations and actions to the student body.

Mission & Purpose
With the addition of a Student Advisor on the Board of Education, we hope to hear from students about the ways in which we can best serve them, bridge the gap between the Board of Education and students by both advocating for students and communicating Board decisions, and encourage students to be more engaged and have an active role in the school district.

The Student Advisor will: 

  • Be actively involved in their school community and willing to work to support Ritenour schools on behalf of their peers on a regular basis
  • Be willing to represent their peers by communicating student opinions to the Board of Education and reporting Board deliberations and actions to the student body
  • Be available to meet with the Board of Education on a monthly basis, to communicate the concerns of their peers, and make an effort to be at every public Board meeting

Description of the Position

Eligibility:  Any student enrolled at Ritenour High School who is a junior in good standing. Applications will be provided in the second semester of the student’s junior year.  One student will be selected to serve as an advisor to the Board.  During the business meeting, the advisor will sit on the dais with the board of education.  

Time Requirements:  The estimated time required for the Student Advisor will be 5-7 hours per month.  This included attending monthly Board meetings (2-3 hours) each and reviewing materials prior to the meeting each month (approx. 1 hour per month). 

Application Procedures:  Application procedures will be shared with students in the spring semester of their junior year at Ritenour High School. Students can choose one of three options to apply.  Students can either submit an essay, produce a video or conduct a personal interview with the Ritenour Board of Education to apply for the position. 

Submit Essay

Before completing the application, each prospective student should fully understand the time requirement of serving on the Board as an advisor, be willing to attend as many Board meetings as possible and review all important materials prior to the meeting. 

For questions, contact the Ritenour Board of Education Secretary DeQuinda Woods at (314) 493-6050 or