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Ritenour Success-Ready Students Network (SRSN) Dashboard

This dashboard outlines the quantitative and qualitative indicators that inform how the Ritenour School District prepares each student for success in life. This information hub was created as part of ongoing efforts in collaboration with the Success-Ready Students Network to:

  • Reflect on meaningful data and performance indicators

  • Create ongoing transparency with stakeholders via data dashboards

  • Drive school improvement and keep students centered in our work through a continuous improvement framework.

The purpose of this dashboard is to provide a real-time snapshot of student data in the Ritenour School District.  Ritenour is one of 20 Missouri school districts that are now using growth-based assessments to replace the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) as the measure of academic achievement for students. This group of 20 districts is called the Systems Design Zone (SDZ).  System Design Zone districts will replace the existing Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) 6 Annual Performance Report with an alternative way of measuring district success, and develop an alternative way to measure student growth and achievement.

Data from the growth-based assessments will be shared on this dashboard regularly.  This way, students, faculty, families, and communities can see the data in real-time instead of a static yearly report. The goal is to ensure all Ritenour students are college, career, and workplace-ready upon graduation. 

Click on the buttons below for more information about each category.