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Proposition S

Proposition S


Voters in the Ritenour School District showed their support at the polls on June 2, 2020 for needed facility improvements at all K-12 Ritenour schools by passing Proposition S, a $19.5 million zero tax rate change bond issue. Funds from Prop S, which does not increase the debt service tax rate, are being used to make safety, security and other facility upgrades to Ritenour’s six elementary schools, two middle schools and Ritenour High School. Read more about the status of Prop S projects.

About Proposition S

Did You Know?

Progress as Promised

Prop S Project List

Prop S Projects

New Entry Canopy

Buder Elementary, Kratz Elementary and Hoech Middle School - Coming Soon

Parking Lot Addition - Kratz

Completed June 2021

Safety and Security Upgrades

Surveillance camera additions & upgrades completed at all schools August 2021