Title III
Title III: Instruction for Limited English Proficient Students and Immigrant Students
Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act ensures that English Learners (ELs) including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency, develop high levels of academic achievement in English, and meet the Missouri Learning Standards by achieving high levels in the core academic subjects in educational settings taught in English. Parent and community involvement must also be promoted.
Title III funds are utilized for a variety of purposes to support EL students and teachers including:
- Professional Development
- Instructional materials and supplies
- Parent Involvement (Required)
- English Language Teachers
In support of strengthening student academic achievement for EL students, Ritenour schools receive Title III funds and will be carrying out the requirements of The Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA).
For questions regarding the Title III program and funding, please contact:
Michael Nobile
Coordinator of Curriculum and Federal Programs
Email: nobilem@ritenourschools.org