Ritenour to Receive 24 Electric Buses Thanks to Federal Grant
Ritenour is ringing in 2024 with the great news that it is one of two Missouri school districts selected to receive a grant for a fleet of electric school buses through the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Clean School Bus Program. View FAQ about Ritenour's future fleet of electric buses.
Representatives from the EPA Region 7 presented a ceremonial check to Ritenour on Feb. 27, 2024 at the Husky Support Center, home of the Ritenour Transportation Department, Technology Department, Ritenour Co-Care Food Pantry and other auxiliary services. The crowd of more than 50 people included civic leaders, Ritenour bus drivers and administrators, and partners from Ameren, Midwest Bus Sales and St. Louis Clean Cities.
The $9,495,000 EPA grant, in addition to the funds from Ritenour selling 24 buses, will cover the costs of 24 new electric buses and the infrastructure needed at the bus depot to charge and maintain the vehicles. Approximately 3,750 Ritenour students -- slightly more than half of enrolled students -- ride buses daily.
Ritenour Superintendent Dr. Chris Kilbride said transitioning to electric buses aligns with the district’s commitment to responsible stewardship of our resources.
"Transitioning from diesel to electric school buses is a huge step forward in our commitment to fostering a healthier, greener future for our students and our community, said Kilbride. “Not only will these buses be more comfortable for our drivers and students with air conditioning, but will also show we are embracing the shift to prioritizing sustainability and stewardship of our planet. We hope to set an inspiring example for our students, our community and our region.”
Ritenour has a history of environmental stewardship. Since 2014, Ritenour schools have been using solar panels to generate some of the electricity needed. Ritenour also replaced school lighting with LED and updated HVAC systems to make the buildings more energy efficient. The district’s newest building, the Ritenour School for Early Childhood Education, opened in 2010 with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) certification.
The new electric buses will have air conditioning and be much quieter than Ritenour’s current fleet. Ritenour bus drivers are also excited about the new electric buses, said Bryan Sanker, Ritenour’s director of transportation.
“Our drivers are thrilled,” said Sanker. “The electric models are much quieter and quicker to start up compared to our current buses that run on diesel. Especially with the extreme weather that we have in Missouri, driving an air-conditioned bus at the start of school when the temperatures are in the 90s or higher will be healthier for everyone.”
The new buses will be quieter for neighbors living near the bus depot.
“Electric buses also will be more reliable to start up quickly and quietly in the winter months,” added Sanker. “Drivers won’t need to start up buses in the wee hours of the morning on very cold days as they do now.”
Sanker said he anticipates that these changes will enhance driver retention and attract new bus drivers to join the team. The new buses are expected to arrive in the fall of 2024 or early winter of 2025.