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Homeless Students

Homeless Students
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act entitles homeless students to services comparable to those offered to other students, including, but not limited to, transportation services; educational programs for the disadvantaged, disabled, and gifted and talented students; vocational programs and technical education; school meals programs; pre-school programs and before and after school care programs; and programs for students with limited English proficiency. This includes students attending non-public schools within the Ritenour School District boundaries. 

For more information concerning education for homeless students, contact the McKinney Vento Family and Students in Transition Coordinator:

Julie Hahn
Assistant Superintendent of Data, Intervention and Student Support
2420 Woodson Road
St. Louis, MO 63114
(314) 493-6086

For homeless and unaccompanied youth college information, contact Cabrina Noonan, Ritenour College Counselor, for additional information at (314) 493-6052.  

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