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Discipline Policies—Disciplinary Procedures

The following pages identify and describe unacceptable behaviors and offenses which result in disciplinary consequences. Consequences may range from a conference with the student to expulsion and referral to law enforcement officials. School officials have discretion to impose penalties greater than the listed maximum or less than the listed minimum in appropriate cases. Factors considered in determining the most appropriate response by the school include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • the seriousness and results of the offense,
  • the age and grade level of the student,
  • first or repeated offense,
  • the student’s past behavior and pattern of conduct,
  • the student's perception of or attitude toward the offense,
  • the student’s degree of cooperation,
  • the student's academic and attendance records,
  • the safety and welfare of other students,
  • the disciplinary consequence which is most likely to deter a recurrence of the unacceptable behavior and have a corrective influence on the student,
  • the requirements of the Safe Schools Act and other law, and
  • the provisions of the student’s individual treatment plan, or individual education plan (IEP) if the student has a disability.

The intent of discipline is to assist students in recognizing unacceptable behaviors and replacing them with acceptable behaviors.

The District supports the concept of progressive discipline when appropriate to encourage the development of self-control. This process is intended to be instructional as well as corrective.

A student who repeatedly fails to follow school rules or the reasonable directives of school personnel will face progressively more severe consequences. The student discipline record will be reviewed prior to considering further disciplinary action. The maximum consequence is expulsion from school.

A student who commits other acts of misconduct detrimental to the good order and discipline of the school, not covered in this handbook, will face disciplinary consequences to be determined by the appropriate teacher, administrator and/or Board of Education.