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Discipline Policies—Student Complaints and Grievances (Policy JFH)

(Policy JFH)

The Board encourages staff and students to resolve student complaints and concerns as close to the level at which they occur as practical. However, when students have concerns which they are unable to resolve informally to their satisfaction with the teacher or party involved, they may appeal to the next level of supervision which is typically the assistant principal or principal. Students' parents may participate in the appeals at any level. Persons are assured that they may use this procedure without reprisal. (Appeals of student suspensions and expulsions are governed by Policy JGD.)

Guidelines for hearing student complaints are:

  • The assistant principal or principal scheduling a conference with the student and any other parties involved to try to resolve the complaint, with a subsequent conference with the parent when ap propriate.
  • The student and/or parent requesting a conference with the next higher supervisory level (if the concern was not satisfactorily resolved at the previous level), and the administrator scheduling the conference to consider the concern, to attempt to resolve it, and to notify the participants of the decision.
  • The student and/or parent requesting in writing to the superintendent a time to appear before the Board if the concern has not been satisfactorily resolved at the previous level.
  • The Board determining in its discretion whether or not to hold a hearing with the student (unless required by law), and scheduling a hearing if the Board's decision is to hold one.

The decision of the Board is final.