Grading System / Report Cards / Progress Reports
All levels (K-12) use Competency-Based Grading indicators rather than letter grades based on mastery of grade-level academic standards. Students are expected to master Proficiency Scales that are based on Missouri Learning Standards. Each Proficiency Scale has criteria for students to master at different levels. The goal is for students to be at a 3.0 for each proficiency scale.
Below is a generic proficiency scale:
Ritenour High School Students
Ritenour High School students will still receive Letter Grades on report cards and will use the following marks to indicate academic progress.
A = Excellent B = Superior C = Average D = Inferior
F = Failing P = Pass U = Ungraded NG = No Grade
Earning Credit at Ritenour High School in a Competency-Based System
For a student to receive “Credit” for a course at Ritenour High School, they must receive a 2.0 on AT LEAST 75% of their Proficiency Scales for the given course.
Example 1: 4 Proficiency Scales for a Course where a student EARNS Credit
In this example, this course has 4 Proficiency Scales. This student has at least 75% of their Proficiency Scales at a 2.0 or higher. Credit is Awarded for this course and the Final Grade is a 2.125 or a “C” using the conversion chart below:
Example 2: 4 Proficiency Scales for a Course where a student DOES NOT EARN Credit
In this example, this course has 4 Proficiency Scales. This student DOES NOT have at least 75% of their Proficiency Scales at a 2.0 or higher. Credit is NOT Awarded for this course and the student would not receive credit for this course.
Citizenship Grades
Middle and high school students earn citizenship grades based on their behavior, respect for authority, respect for property, consideration of others, and work habits.
Progress Reports
Progress reports are sent to parents/guardians of elementary and middle school students at mid-quarter if a student is performing significantly below his/her abilities or below expectations. Ritenour High School issues quarterly progress reports. Teachers are encouraged to provide progress reports if a student shows significant improvement in the classroom. Parents can also access their child’s academic progress through the Empower Learning Management System.
Level Up Your Learning!
Students are encouraged to “Level Up” their learning by making progress from one level of the proficiency scale to the next level. We want to celebrate when students move from a “2.0” to a “3.0”.
Course Scores and Letter Grades
A course score is created by adding up all the final scores for each proficiency scale and then dividing by the total number of proficiency scales for a course.
A student may receive the marking of “IE” on an assignment, assessment, task, project, etc. This means that there was Insufficient Evidence of learning.
Sample of what a Progress Report and Report Card will look like from Empower: