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As a means of sharing information with the community, residents and parents, the Ritenour School District actively works with the media to publish or broadcast stories and photos. School events, classroom projects, academic programs and student and staff accomplishments are often featured in newspapers and magazines, on television and radio and on district sponsored social media. Parents/guardians who do not want their student’s name or photo included in these types of promotional activities must notify the school in writing and indicate their choice on the district enrollment form.

Directory Information
The high school is required to provide directory information to branches of the armed services each year. Parents/guardians can elect not to have this information released by notifying the school as per the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to give medication to children at home if at all possible. However, if medication is required during school hours, please contact the school nurse or other school personnel and provide the following information:

ALL Medications Administered at School
Medication will be administered at school only with written physician and parent permission.  This includes prescription as well as over-the-counter medications.   All medication must be delivered to and from school by a parent/guardian or other adult designated responsible by the parent/guardian. With the exception of certain Emergency Medications, students are not allowed to self-medicate at school.

For medication to be administered at school, the following must occur:

  • Physician completed medication form, which may be obtained from the school nurse. This form must also be signed by the parent/guardian. 
  • Over-the-counter medication MUST be in the original container with dosing and prescribing information.
  • Prescription medication must be in the original prescription bottle or container indicating the following:
    –Child’s name
    –Date prescribed/bottle must be current prescription
    –Name of medication and purpose if medication is used “as needed”
    –Time, frequency and manner administered
    –Side effects and emergency instructions, if appropriate

The first dose of any new medication will not be administered by school personnel.

Self Administration of Medication
A physician may recommend that an individual student with a chronic health condition, such as asthma or other potentially life threatening illness, assume responsibility for his/her own medication as prescribed by the physician. The school will permit such a student to self-administer medication for a school year as prescribed by the physician provided that:

  • A physician certifies in writing that the student has asthma or other potentially life-threatening illness, is capable of and has been instructed in the proper method of self-administering the medication and has been informed of the dangers of permitting others to use the student’s medication.
  • The parent provides the school with written authorization for self-administration of the medication, a written history of the student’s experiences with the illness and a plan of action for addressing any emergency situations that could reasonably be anticipated as a consequence of administering the medication and having the illness.
  • A student’s IEP or 504 may provide for a student to self-administer. In such cases, the school reserves the option also to require approval by a licensed health-care provider.

Neither the district nor its personnel shall incur liability due to adverse effects of medication administered as authorized by the parent and/or physician.

A full-time registered nurse/licensed practical nurse (RN/LPN) is available at school to care for minor injuries and health issues and to assist with health-related emergencies and health  screenings.  The nurse is responsible for maintaining health records and contacting parents concerning students’ health  problems.  Parents are encouraged to contact the school nurse if a child has any special medications or restrictions. The nurse is not authorized to provide diagnoses for students or families nor to be a substitute for family physicians or regular healthcare providers.      

Each Ritenour school has a strong and effective parent-teacher organization that actively supports its school and students. The organization works with the school principals and teachers to promote cooperative learning efforts, good communication and student recognition. They organize fund raising events and coordinate activities during the school year. Officers are selected annually and meetings are regularly scheduled.

Visitor parking is available on school campuses in designated parking spots. In most cases, visitor parking is not accessible when students are arriving and departing.

Parents driving students to Ritenour High School should drop students off in the main parking lot in front of the auditorium. This is the same area for student pickup after school. Parents will need to enter campus using Bristol Avenue off Woodson Road and exit through the gate behind the auditorium, onto Tudor Avenue. To keep students safe, keep traffic moving and to not interfere with the school buses, please do not drop your students off in front of the school near the main entrance or let them out on Bristol Avenue at the west end of the campus. Please drop them off in front of the auditorium at the designated area. Student parking for Ritenour High School will be available in two areas: on campus and at the off-campus parking lot across from St. John City Hall. Parking in either area is by permit only. Eligibility for on campus parking permits is based on attendance rates. To be able to park on campus, a student must have maintained a 90 percent attendance rate for the previous school year. Parking permits are issued for the school year. Applications for parking in either area are available in the RHS Activities Office. To apply for a parking permit, students must submit a completed application, proof of current insurance, and the student’s current valid driver’s license.

Once the application is approved, a registration fee must be paid. The fee is higher for on-campus parking.

Parking permits are issued at the discretion of the RHS administration. Parking permits are not transferable and must be displayed in the vehicle at all times. Any infraction of the parking rules and regulations will result in disciplinary actions, including monetary fines and the possible loss of parking privilege. Illegally parked vehicles may be towed without notice at the owner’s expense.

All parking spaces are the property of the Ritenour School District, and any vehicle parked on school property may be searched. Vehicles must be locked at all times when not occupied, and owners are responsible for the vehicle and its contents. The Ritenour School District will not be liable for any damages on either lot. Students park at their own risk.

Many of the streets surrounding the high school have parking restrictions which are enforced by the respective municipalities. Students should be aware of those parking restrictions before parking in the streets surrounding the high school.

Personal Property
To prevent loss, all items (coats, shoes, backpacks, etc.) should be marked with the student’s name. A lost-and-found box is maintained at each school for lost personal property. Ritenour School District does not assume responsibility for lost or stolen items.

Students should bring only as much money to school as is necessary for school-related functions. Valuable items such as jewelry, collectibles, heirlooms, electronic devices, etc. should not be brought to school since the school cannot be responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items.

As a service to parents, each year the school arranges for a commercial photographer to take individual student photos. Photo packages are available for families to purchase. Purchasing photographs is strictly optional.

If a student experiences a problem which they are unable to resolve, parents are encouraged to contact the school. The child’s teacher, counselor or the school secretary is usually an appropriate first contact. Assistant principals, principals and other district officials are also available at any time to assist with questions or concerns.

Student learning is monitored in the Ritenour School District in many ways. Teachers communicate with parents during the school year to report both academic accomplishments and concerns. Please contact your child’s teacher or the school principal at any time regarding academic progress.

In a Competency-Based System, families may notice that their students do not receive letter grades on their report cards. Without the grades, families may often ask teachers for help in determining if their child is performing well in school. In Ritenour School District, it is a student’s progress that matters.

     •  Progress Reports are provided at the end of Quarter 1 (October) and Quarter 3 (March)
     •  Report cards are provided to parents at the end of each semester (January and May)
     •  Progress Reports and Report Cards are generated through the Empower Learning Management System.  

Go to pages 30-33 for an explanation of the new grading system.

The benefits of a Competency-Based System:

  • Learn at a customized pace—progressing quickly in strength areas, and receiving extra help from teachers in areas of challenge
  • Master knowledge and skills—demonstrating confidence and ability in one area of knowledge and skills before moving on to the next
  • Real-time student information—at any time, parents and teachers can see where a student is excelling and where they need additional time and extra help in order to grow

Benefits of Competency-Based Education for Students:

  • Learning goals are clearly defined and aligned with Missouri Learning Standards
  • Students are offered multiple opportunities to demonstrate proficiency
  • Students monitor their own progress toward the achievement of specific goals
  • Specific feedback on progress helps build self-esteem and motivation for students
  • Promotes a growth mindset and a culture of learning vs. earning credit

Benefits of Competency-Based Education for Parents:

  • Report cards are less mysterious and have more meaning
  • More accurate representation of your child’s learning and mastery of their learning
  • Parents are aware of exactly what their child knows and is able to do, and the next steps for progress
  • Parents know what areas their child needs more support and can help set goals.

The Ritenour School District is committed to the safety and well-being of our students and staff and is complying with the new Missouri state law, Get the Lead Out of School Drinking Water Act.

The Missouri Legislature passed the Get the Lead Out of School Drinking Water Act in the spring of 2022. Lead is a toxic metal that can be harmful to human health even at low exposure levels. Lead is persistent, and it can bio-accumulate in the body over time.

Young children, infants and fetuses are particularly vulnerable to lead because the physical and behavioral effects of lead occur at lower exposure levels in children than in adults. A dose of lead that would have little effect on an adult can have a significant effect on a child. In children, low levels of exposure have been linked to damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, learning disabilities, shorter stature, impaired hearing and impaired formation and function of blood cells.

Provisions of the Get the Lead out of School Drinking Water Act dictate that during the 2023-24 school year, all schools must provide drinking water that has a lead concentration level below five (5) parts per billion (ppb). On or before January of 2024, schools must identify all outlets for drinking water or for all cooking purposes and then develop a plan for testing of those water sources. Before students return to school in August of 2024, all testing must be done and a plan developed for any needed remediation. This plan is publicized on the Ritenour website:

A variety of scholarships are available to Ritenour High School students through the school and various local, state and federal agencies.  Students may apply for many of these scholarships by completing the “Ritenour Uniform Scholarship Application”, which enables applicants to be considered for all scholarships listed in the application which they apply for.  This application form is available on the Scholarship Central website in January and must be completed by the end of March.  Students may also access the “Ritenour Uniform Scholarship Application” and other scholarship information by going to the Scholarship Opportunites page within the College and Career Center (E3 Button) on the high school website.

The Ritenour School District, in conjunction with the cities and police departments of St. John and St. Ann, assign School Resource Officers (SRO) to Ritenour High School and Hoech and Ritenour Middle schools. Officers from these municipalities, as well as Overland, conduct the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program as a part of the elementary school curriculum in the fifth grade.

SROs contribute to and increase the overall security of the schools in a number of ways. In addition to being a liaison between the schools and law enforcement and being available for emergencies, the SROs contribute to the curricular and co-curricular programs and activities. They make classroom presentations, sponsor special programs, provide specialized counseling services, serve as consultants to administrators, assist with drug and alcohol awareness, help with safety planning, traffic and parking issues, personal safety, violence prevention and other issues. The SRO offices are located near the main office at Ritenour High School and Hoech and Ritenour Middle schools.

The Ritenour School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education programs and activities, including employment and admissions, as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX). All forms of sex-based discrimination are prohibited in the district, but this policy focuses exclusively on sexual harassment as defined in Title IX that occurs within the education programs and activities of the district. However, the district will respond promptly to investigate and address any report or complaint of sexual harassment.

For more information, view District Policy ACA – Sexual Harassment Under Title IX, which includes grievance procedures.

Inquiries should be directed to the Title IX Compliance Coordinator below.

Inquiries regarding Title IX:     
Dr. Mike LaChance, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources & Title IX Coordinator
2420 Woodson Road | St. Louis, MO 63114 | 314-493-6062

Any person who is unable to resolve a grievance arising under Title IX addressed in District Policy AC may contact the Office for Civil Rights, Region VII, One Petticoat Lane 1010 Walnut Street, Suite 320, Kansas City, MO 64106; telephone (816) 268-0550; email

All Ritenour school buildings and grounds are designated smoke-free and tobacco-free. Parents and visitors are reminded that smoking or use of tobacco products, including electronic products, is not permitted on school property at any time while visiting students or during school-sponsored field trips or activities.

In cooperation with the Ritenour School District, the Special School District of St. Louis County (SSD) is responsible for providing instruction and services to students with disabilities. To receive services, students must qualify under the provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). Disabilities include but are not limited to learning disabilities, speech and language impairments, physical disabilities, emotional handicaps and sight and hearing losses. In most cases, SSD teachers and specialists provide services in the student’s home school setting and work in close partnership with the Ritenour staff. Either parents/guardians or teachers may initiate a request for services, which is followed by interventions and testing to determine whether an evaluation for services is warranted. If parents/guardians have questions about services, they may contact their child’s teacher, counselor or building principal. The Ritenour liaison and SSD director for special education can also be reached at (314) 493-6074. Questions about transportation provided by SSD should be directed to (314) 989-8160.

TThe Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) affords parents and students who are 18 or emancipated minors (“eligible student”) certain rights regarding the conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes and certain physical exams.  The full provisions of the PPRA are included on the website.

Student records are maintained in the principal’s office.  They may be reviewed by parents/guardians and by educational staff with a need to know.  All student records, except for directory information, are confidential in accordance with Board Policy and Regulation JO and state and federal law.  Records and information from records are not released unless the parent/guardian completes a permission form, which authorizes release of information as designated, and except to other schools and agencies as required by law.  In accordance with policy, parents/guardians may insert statements into school records in instances where they do not agree with the records.

A Student Support Team consists of staff members who meet regularly to identify students who demonstrate academic, behavioral, attendance, social, emotional or health-related concerns, which severely inhibit their success in school. The team formulates research-based interventions beyond those strategies already conducted by the students’ teachers without acceptable results. A teacher, school counselor, social worker, administrator or parent can refer students to the team. Parents are informed when their child is referred to the team and encouraged to play an active role in developing and supporting the plan.