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Husky Academy Programs

Keeping Pace Program

Keeping Pace Program is an online computerized program for students in grades 9-12. Students are given the option to attend the Keeping Pace Program as an alternative to long-term out of school suspension. Determination and length of placement is typically made through a disciplinary hearing until behavior requirements are met. Students attend the program for three hours a day for the entire week. Classes are assigned based on their current programming in the traditional school system. There will be three sessions of the Keeping Pace Program which serves up to 40 students. Students typically transition back to their home school upon completion of their suspension.

Session 1 (8-11 a.m.) Session 2 (11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.)

Positive Transition Program

Positive Transition Program combines direct instruction as well as computerized learning for students in grades 5-8. Students are given the option to attend the Positive Transitions Program as an alternative to long-term out of school suspension. Determination and length of placement is typically made through a disciplinary hearing until behavior requirements are met. Students will attend the program for six hours each day for the entire week. Students are given instruction in social skills and character education for a portion of each day in addition to core curricular areas. Instruction is provided through adaptive on-line learning, direct instruction and home school assignments. Each student will be required to create a portfolio which is shared with parents and staff during quarterly conferences. The program serves up to 10 students. A Youth on Rise counselor works with the student one time per week. Students transition back to their home school upon completion of a leveled system of supports and expectations and/or length of suspension. If students transition back to school before the end of the suspension, the middle school programs provide a structured, alternate schedule using the Discipline with Dignity classes as a

Session Times: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Missouri Option Program

Missouri Option Program permits Ritenour students who are at least 17 years of age and at risk of dropping out or not graduating with their cohort group, the opportunity to earn a standard high school diploma. Students can graduate through the program based on competencies rather than credits. The program utilizes a high school equivalency exam (HISET test) as content mastery for graduation purposes. The exam sanctioned by the state for the Missouri Option program is the HiSET® test. Missouri Option students successfully passing the exam and completing all other program requirements are eligible to receive a high school diploma. The program serves 20 students. The students meet the requirement of 15 in-class hours at the center with additional time spent outside of class to meet requirements. Students are able to participate in school related activities.

Session Times: 7:30-10:30 a.m.

ACE Program

ACE Program allows the non-traditional students who may have behavioral, academic or social challenges get back on track to graduate. Flexible, computerized sessions are offered three times each day for students who may have personal issues making them at risk of dropping out of school. Students who complete the program receive a high school diploma. Ritenour has 36 student seats available for the program. ACE requires fewer credits to graduate than the traditional high school program.

Session 1 (7 - 10 a.m.) Session 2 (10 a.m. - 1 p.m.) Session 3 (1-4 p.m.)

Ritenour High School Programs

Transitions Lab

Transitions Lab is designed for students who enroll in Ritenour High School who meet a variety of criteria for alternate programming, such as:

  • Student enrolls after first or third quarter with no evidence of academic schooling during that semester enrolled. This student could have 0 - 23.5 credits coming into Ritenour High School, but no evidence that there has been any or minimal time in a classroom prior to enrolling that semester.
  • Credit recovery provides an opportunity for high school students (grades 9-12), who have failed a course, to complete the requirements of the class. The teacher outlines the deficiencies the student must correct in order to receive credit for the class. The credit recovery teacher acts as a monitor to
    students as they work to complete the required coursework.
  • Students are planning on attending Missouri Options Program and need to meet the course requirements prior to being enrolled.
  • The student is identified through the student support team process as one in need of an alternative setting. One or more of the seven class periods assigned to the student by the counselor is a virtual instruction class period(s).
  • Session 1-3 (19 students) Session 5-7 (19 students)
  • Hourly Sessions (6 periods of 19 students each)

Credit Recovery

Students identified in need of credits to fulfill graduation requirements because prior attempts to pass the course failed take online classes afterschool in the library.

Professional Development Required for Adults in Alternative and RSD Programs:

  • Trauma Training
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • Nonviolent Crisis Prevention Intervention