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Ritenour Embraces Competency-Based Education for All K-12 Students

Ritenour School District is leading the way in Missouri's educational landscape by implementing Competency-Based Education (CBE) across all K-12 grades. This innovative approach focuses on students' mastery of specific skills and concepts, providing a more personalized and effective learning experience.

“CBE allows students to progress at their own pace, advancing to higher levels of learning as they demonstrate proficiency in academic content,” said Superintendent Dr. Chris Kilbride. “This method gives both students and families more detailed insights into how learners are reaching proficiency with individual standards.”

Dr. Denean Steward, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction said over the last two years, CBE was implemented gradually at the elementary and middle school levels, with some Ritenour High School teachers also piloting it in their classes. 

 "What we’ve witnessed over the past two years is that our students are taking greater ownership of their learning by practicing skills, reflecting on both what they are mastering easily and how they are improving on skills that are more challenging for them,” Dr. Steward said. “There is a higher level of student engagement."

In classrooms throughout the district, students receive regular feedback on their mastery of specific skills. Teachers use this information to tailor lessons and form small groups, ensuring that each student receives the support they need. For example, a student struggling with adding fractions or analyzing themes in literature will receive targeted instruction and practice in these areas.

Ritenour is one of the leaders in the state of Missouri for CBE.  Ritenour is one of 20 Missouri districts in the Success-Ready Students Network System Design Zone (SDZ).

Parents and guardians can expect to see their children’s progress in each subject area using a 1-4 scale to indicate proficiency levels. The district will be using a new platform, called Empower, that will give parents and guardians access to view their children’s standards-based grades.  This transition puts Ritenour at the forefront of educational innovation in the state of Missouri. 

CBE Presentation